
My question, do you live your best life? I do not pose this question in an Oprah, Iyanna, Dr. Phil manner but just in the smaller moments. The series of little decisions we make, when viewed in the aggregate are more reflective of the lives we choose to live. That one grandiose decision is not necessarily a reflection of the quality of your life and experiences.

This post started as a journal entry four years ago. The question permeated my thoughts as I rode the bus to work. The mundane task that delivered me to the front door of my office. Some days I welcomed the experience and others I did not. Many have a lack of passion for their job, tied to many factors, and every day, for whatever reason, they make a decision to continue. I celebrated a birthday and chose to play golf and culminate the weekend with a few golf buddies whose presence I appreciate. At that moment, the choice was to do something I love with people that love it as much as I do. I was on a hamster wheel and I wanted to get off, for golf.

Today, I still choose golf. The landscape looks exactly the same, with no real diversity. The lack made my mission grow stronger. For every “other” person, I rarely see you on the course and you belong there. In this purpose-driven life, I am here to make a space in golf for all of you. I build for everyone, the uninvited and invisible because change is overdue.

Fall into step with what brings you joy. Life is a balance, I do not know what gives you serenity but I found mine in golf. It is an outlet, the counterbalance to chaotic work environments and a play of serenity. That is what I define it and every person that plays creates their own reality.

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